Constitute a Film Policy of Manipur
Kabrambam Ranjit Kumar Singh *

A scene from Matamgi Manipur
Life was beautiful
That is all, I know
But in course of life
Something happened
Turned my hopes
Desires and dreams into water
Deep inside I was sinking
Slowly I picked up the bets
And tried building a new world
Just entered my world of cinema
And the magic was there
To turn this dream of mind into reality
There would be any anxiety
Hatred and misunderstanding
I enjoyed the cinema
But only cinema only cinema and cinema
Brings the message of love
In it I have found my paradise.
Now it is seen the Album Video films in the ISTV channels. But the fact stands that the very idea is that the school going girls and boys who are very tender in age with a school uniform are seen in Album Video films singing and dancing in the Romantic scene and love scene, embracing with one another. And so much so that Manipur Album Video films erupted on a scale never seen before. It is a kind of approach in Album Video films.
Further, being a Manipuri by birth my genuine interest lies for Manipur and numerous digital films that are released in the State. Today when we look at the scenario of our own Manipuri digital films industry we feel a lot has to be done to develop produce, promote, and market our products. Everyday we see many new Directors emerging in every villages and every Leikais and motto seems to be "okay" we have some money and let us go and make a movie or film and cast our own son, daughter, brother and sister etc as the main lead.
However, don't you think it is a bit peculiar to take so much granted of an "Industry" which should be the mirror of our culture development and modernity of a particular society? So, we have a group of Directors, Actors and Actresses-but what about Perfection, Quality?
As we know, people do not like to see number of pocket type and poor quality of digital films, and many producers who are engaging in such type of films usually fail to recover even the investment being incurred in the film making. This is the major factors behind the decline of Digital films in Manipur. These films will make dirty colours to society. Because films are the mirror of a particular society.
Manipur film chapter saw the light of the day after the second world war. And the first Manipuri feature film was "Matamgi Manipur" produced in 1972 very successfully.
We have seen now some young energetic Directors are coming up for making the digital films. Now we have some good Directors, namely Makhan Mani Amakcham, O Gautam, RK Amarjit, Diya, Romi Meitei, Biswamitra, Surjakanta Sharma etc. In spite of so many hurdles and difficulties our abled Directors have attempted for making good digital films, therein they have focus to make a successful attempt to reach the needy cause of the society, and shown the value of life, and elaborating the conditions of social change and development.
Their films mostly focus and touch social life, happiness, smiles, pains, tears, to meet to part of love and the saddest tale of many human heart. Their films show everything in life is temporary and for life itself is not permanent. They have produced the best actors of today like Kaiku and Gokul, Actresses Maya Choudhury and Abenao, supporting are Lalit Kumar and RK Sanajaoba. It is also surprising to learn that Kaiku has acted in 176 films of this tiny State, Manipur during his period in films. It is a record keeping achievement of Kaiku in the world of films. We congratulate him for his grand success in films. It is nothing but the popularity of Kaiku.
Manipur Digital films Industries are producing very low Budget films and less income earning products.
However, in spite of many hurdles here production of Digital films is in progress. Words fail to express how much we feel proud to see Manipuri Digital films rising and blooming up in place of Hindi Films here and Hindi Films are found closed. We have totally forgotten the image of Hindi Films. We are to travel more in this field to produce with big Budget films by capturing good market to provide employment to the talented Artists.
Manipuri Documentary, Short films and Non-commercial films, over the years have made a distinct impression on the National and International Scenes with their sensitivity technical skills and artistic excellence. For which Manipur enjoys a premier position in Indian Cinema, due to the high quality of the films.
Mention may be made that Shree A Shyam Sharma, a famous Film Director of Manipur, has been awarded Padmashree in Films. Films as one of the vehicles of mass communication besides providing entertainment, has a great role to play in the field of education and in eradicating social evils. The message of peace and harmony has become more important at the present moment of juncture of Manipur, when violence and hatred occur among different communities in the State. This is what Manipuri film should focus at the moment.
Films is the media for the Socio-Economic and Cultural development in our Manipuri Society and the benefit of which Manipur has to avail serious attempt has to be done for promotions of Films in Manipur.
Now dreams come true only decade later. We face a tiny market, and financial hazards. This compounded with the want of Laboratory facilities, unreliable Government facilities, subsides etc. 25 years old, Manipuri Cinema has come of age. The most prominent and aspiration of the people of Manipur, who are involved in Films making is looking forward to the State Government for announcement of Film Policy.
The neighbouring State of Assam had announced the Assam Film Policy in the year 1994. And all these welfare measures are not within our reach, as yet. Whereas, Manipuri films deserves all these status. Therefore, it is a long cherished and aspiration of the people of Manipur and watching the Films in the genuine hope that Manipur Film Companies, Producers, Directors, and Apex Bodies involved in this field of Film should jointly request the Government of Manipur to constitute the "Manipur Film Policy" so as to promote and develop the Film Industry in Manipur.