My Hands :: A documentary film by Oinam Doren

A Synopsis of this documentary by Oinam Doren *

Synopsis: Sunder is a 21-year-old young man whose both hands are crippled and desolately useless. He suffers from cerebral palsy. Born into a poor family of utensil-makers with five children, Sunders' condition seems pathetically hopeless. The moment he raises up from the bed, his younger brother Santosh becomes his hands.

A scene from My Hands

A scene from "My Hands"

Santosh tends Sunder like his own body by helping him with toileting, brushing his mouth and washing him up and any sort of food consumption. But Sunder has a secret. He attends high school and is currently in his pre-graduation. He has learned to use his foot as his hand.

A scene from My Hands

A scene from "My Hands"

At night he studies by sitting in the bed beside a lantern. Sunder wishes to finish his graduation, find a job and support his poor family.

Director : Oinam Doren | Genre: Documentary | Produced In: 2009

* This information was provided by Oinam Doren director of the documentary.
This was webcasted on June 23, 2010 .


Who is the Best Actress?

  • * Abenao
  • * Binata
  • * Devita
  • * Kamala
  • * Manda
  • * Sonia
  • * Sunila


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